Our Mission
The mission of Pharmacy Management Consultants is to work with clients collaboratively, with the single aim and purpose to assist them in the representation and implementation of their business needs and goals, and to help resolve conflicts or problems that present as barriers to the success of their venture.
Our Customers
PMC provides pharmacy related regulatory consultancy, subject matter expertise, management, and technology services to pharmacy and healthcare related businesses. We can provide services to:
Non-Sterile and Sterile Compounders
Financial and Lending Institutions
Pharmacist / Pharmacy Licensees
Technology / Automation Suppliers
Licensee Regulatory Agencies
Buying Groups
Law Firms
Trade Associations
We have helped the largest chains in the marketplace to one store operators. Our experience spans six decades, so we have a wealth of experience and industry insight. Whether it is enhancing your management team’s skill sets, identifying and developing profit opportunities, designing employee training aids, or seeking accreditation, we can assist you. Our expertise includes:
Policy and Procedure Development
Employee Training
Best Practice Implementation
Compounding Operations
Monitor Regulator
Expert Witness Work
Research Law Changes
Access to Affiliated Industry Experts
Regulatory Specialties
Understanding the regulatory environment and your obligations can be daunting. Pharmacy is regulated at the state level, so requirements can vary from state to state. Federal agencies such as CMS, DEA, FDA, and OIG all have regulations that impact manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, other suppliers, pharmacists, and pharmacies. There are entities which have their own unique set of guidelines and qualifications for accreditation. If you are a single licensee or a large business we can help you better understand the myriad of regulations, qualifications, and your professional obligations.

Best Practice
From our decades of operations, regulatory, and quality assurance experience we help clients identify and integrate efficient or prudent best practice solutions into their operations to obtain superior results.
Corrective Action Plans
Error Prevention Processes
Proforma /ROI Analyses
Key Performance Measurements
Internal Management Controls
Employee Development
Whether you are a supplier looking for answers about the needs of pharmacy providers, or you are a retail, institutional, or specialized pharmacy operator trying to identify the most effective deployment of technology to improve your operation we can assist you with:
Software Integration
Centralized Services
Automation Utilization
Regulatory Application
Workflow Solutions
Project Managment

About Us
Because of professional careers that span five decades, the principal partners of Pharmacy Management Consultants have a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the pharmacy industry. Their professional experiences over this period has provided them with extensive knowledge and expertise in the areas of independent and chain pharmacy operations, contract negotiations, accreditation, audit resolution, policy development, oversight and management, marketing development, purchasing, professional affairs, technology and significantly, regulatory compliance.
Augmenting their professional knowledge and skills in the areas of pharmacy operations and management, both partners have far-reaching experience and leadership in regulatory compliance. Collectively they possess over thirty years of experience serving the New Jersey Board of Pharmacy and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). Both served multiple terms as Vice President and President of the New Jersey Board. They have served on numerous task forces and committees for NABP. They are accomplished experts in pharmacy and healthcare related regulatory issues at state and national levels. They are active members of professional and trade associations. They work in cooperation with other expert colleagues throughout the country. Both are recipients of the prestigious APhA Bowl of Hygeia Award in recognition of their outstanding community service.
Our Leaders